Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve

Erin and I had our New Years Eve plans up in the air, with a few different options of what we could do. I received a call from Chad, as he was in town with his girldfriend GeeGee staying up at Clearwater beach. I told him that Cope,, was playing at the State Theater,, where we'd run into a lot of our friends. We decided that could end up being a blast. Kevin and Shayna met up with Erin, Chad, GeeGee, and I at my house for a few drinks, before heading out to St Pete for the show. Once we arrived, we ran into a lot of familiar faces and had a great New Years Eve.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

On Christmas day, Erin and I got up and up presents for each other. She even ended up getting me a Tim Thomas Bruins jersey.

After that, we headed to Mass at Sacred Heart Church,

Then it was down to Palmetto to Uncle Frank and Aunt Nancy's house to celebrate Christmas with the rest of the family. Later during the day, Tara stopped by with Olivia, Rich's daughter.